Tulpamancy Journal. 69

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

7:34 PM

Absolutely flat again today. No dreaming, lucid or otherwise. No sense of nearness while meditating. No responses to labyrinth invocation.

I got a nice letter from S.C. regarding his incredible response to his new practice of dream forcing. I might try something like it tonight as I have had no improvement in my attempts at remote viewing by “Phase Shifting”.  I have set a 3am alarm (It will vibrate  under my pillow so not to disturb Nancy. I would love to get a response, as I am truly wondering what I am doing wrong, or if not wrong, what is my block is. Oh well, keep on truckin’.

2 Responses to “Tulpamancy Journal. 69”

  1. Nadine Says:

    I had such a strange and important-seeming dream last night. I haven’t had one like that in a long time. One thing I did differently was go to bed on time (which meant I woke up nice and early, like 4:30 a.m.) and also say a kind of prayer just before going to sleep. The artist’s prayer, I call it.

    • theholodoc Says:

      I would like to hear your Artist’s Prayer, and while I don’t intend to wake at 4:30 am ever again, I have some of my best dreams at 5am. Do you record your dreams. I do as it seems to provoke more dreaming that I can remember. Thanks, Dr. Bob

critiques welcome. Dr. Robert