Tulpamancy Journal. 239

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Flora has not appeared in either dream nor meditation, however N’sonwa has shown up in meditation. She seems to be closer to me since Saturday when I met the boyfriend of a woman, who could be her doppleganger. She was ten feet tall when I first laid eyes on her, she was dancing on stilts. She was a slender, sharp faced black woman. She had her hair laid flat on her skull and at distance, couldn’t be seen. I managed to get her on video and got one good pic. I will probably be able to meet her in person, as she is known my stepson. Whether I do or not, having the experience of seeing her dance, has summoned N’sonowa to the fore. I talk to Flora daily, hell almost hourly, and have been working on my visualizations of her. She talks back to me. I have to say, he in voice at least has matured. Not quite an old lady, but mature. Reasoned. Not as likely to enjoy talking about old problems, not impatient, bored is a better word. In any case, neither of us are giving up. Full imposition is still the goal. 

critiques welcome. Dr. Robert