TTulpamancy Journal. 344

Thursday, January 25, 2024, 8:15 AM

So, nothing to say since Oct 6th 2023! It has been a long dry spell. I have not been slack, my life (my family’s life) has been in turmoil and I suspect that has had as much to do with it as anything. Also the months of October, November, and December, were devoted to finishing the tenth draft of Eleutheria. Since, I have been waiting for beta readers to complete reading it. I did take a break from Galantamine supplementation and the teas (Mugwort, Calendula, Calea Zacatecachichi) and abstained from THC. I did continue my daily meditations and invocations. I even pushed through with forcings, though this is the least satisfying activities of all of my practice. Last night (or rather early this morning) I did have a lucid dream. I was dreaming of a young healer having entered our home (Nancy/Lynda?? Couldn’t tell) and after a bit, I thought to use him to stimulate my lucidity cue “Are you Flora?”  and happy surprise, the scene changed, I was me at my age, lying in my deathbed, and Flora appeared looking like she did at her very first appearance in a dream (March 5, 2019). She was smiling sweetly and though she did not speak in English, her tupla language was loud and I responded as vigorously as I had when I first began this process.

critiques welcome. Dr. Robert