Archive for November, 2022

Tulpamancy Journal 309

November 16, 2022

Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 8:06 AM

I have had a number of interesting dreams of late, last nights included an unanticipated visit by Flora, and later by N’sonowa.

I was involved in a dreamscape which included a character from a TV series Nancy and I are finding engaging and compelling. A Korean woman had lost it and over a number of dream scenes, had to be restrained. When she was finally taken to a hospital, I after taking a breath of relief, opened a door. My heart started to pound, and then I saw Flora, sitting on a bench, smiling sweetly, brushing her hair. I was astounded, and called out, “Flora.” Alas, she disappeared. I called several times, but no, she did not reappear. I then found myself in a different dreamscape and was repeatedly running up a steep grassy hill. I found I couldn’t go straight up, and found switchback deer trails which did with effort get me close to the top of a ridgeback. I had to climb, with all fours to make it. And I did. A large man who was behind me, following, not chasing, could not. I enjoyed running back down the hill, then turned and repeated the effort. Again, I was successful. I did this one more time, before recovering a name, Bridget Bardoe, which I had wanted to share with a young blonde haired girl in pajamas lying in a crib. (how this old scene came back into my being, I’ve not a clue!) I did that, and then returned to a group where two friends were conducting a therapy session. I told them of my success with Flora. (It was an outstanding success, even though it was short lived and could not be repeated, as I have had no real contact with her for weeks). It was during the running uphill segments that N’sonowa made a flash appearance, again with a tell, a pounding of my heart just before she flashed herself to me. Wow. I continue.