Archive for December, 2022

Tulpamancy Journal. 312

December 31, 2022

Saturday, December 31, 2022, 9:10 AM

I am closing on to two weeks without supplementation. Dreaming has been very flat, with little color and little drama, and of course, no lucidity. My sleep has not changed much with the exception of fewer middle of the night awakenings (I am not anticipating a 2: or 3:AM alarm). My meditations have not progressed any, and I have had no further contacts (outside of forcings). I have been focusing my writings on short stories which have not included my tulpas in any substantive way, and will not be doing so for a while as I have two major works in process,  with have nothing to do with them. I do intend to focus my writing on my tulpamancy, later in the coming year, and will perhaps see some movement then. In the meantime, I will began night-time Galantamine supplementation tomorrow night (4mg without the Mugwort tea) with the hope that with renewed lucidity, I can invite Flora back into my dreams.

I continue…

Tulpamancy Journal. 311

December 20, 2022

Tuesday, December 20, 2022, 11:08 AM

My dreams have continued to be flat, unremarkable and unrememberable, without the supplements. My morning meditation (6:00 to 6:30AM) however, have been interesting. I have been clear, not pursuing my thoughts, but easily returning to my anchor in my breath. I have begun to have OBE’s and while neither of my tulpas have yet responded to my invitations, I have felt them nearby. Yesterday during while napping, a large dark figure appeared in my doorway. I was startled and awakened, fully to see if anyone were there. No one was. I figured I had missed my chance at connecting with a dream-figure. I was emotionally aroused by the experience and could no longer sleep, so got up, feeling fully refreshed, as if I had napped the entire time, and went on with my day. I know I am allowing my tulpas to get closer to me. I will continue.

Tulpamancy Journey. 310

December 18, 2022

Sunday, December 18, 2022, 11:09 AM

It has been over a month since I have had anything much to say about my practice other than, I have had very little contact with either of my tulpas either in my daily awake practice, or in my dreams. My dreaming has been difficult. I had tried adding Mugwort to the Galantamine, with no effect. Then I added an additional bedtime dose of Calendula, Mugwort, lotus, and Jasmine tea. The result, my dreaming became almost frenetic attended by a increasing dysphoria. I have decided to d/c all of the supplements for a while to see if I can find a base line. Last night was the first night with out supplementation and my dream was flat, I wasn’t close to lucidity and I had no dream recall on awakening. It could be that I pushed the supplementation too high. I will continue without any for the next several weeks, then come back to a low dose Galantamine + Mugwort. (Unless of course, once I stabilize without any supplementation, I once again attain lucidity). I will of course continue my daily practice, which at this point consists of an invocation then meditation, and forcing when I have the opportunity to be alone and away from my self-care responsibilities.

I continue.