Archive for April, 2023

Tulpamancy Journal. 338

April 21, 2023

The past couple of weeks have been difficult in regards to my relationship with my tulpas. They have been conspicuously absent from both my meditations and my dreams. Galantamine has had little effect. This morning after a very difficult dream and during my meditation, I was startled by the appearance of a strange man. He was not all that friendly, he gave me a lecture on something I had done. What makes the experience noteworthy was the clarity with he spoke. He was clearly an ‘other’. I do not think he is a tulpa. Who he might be, and how he has come upon me, I do not know, though expect there was something in my dream that called him out. However, the fact of it has excited me and gives me hope that my tulpas may not be far away.

Tulpamancy Journal. 337

April 4, 2023

Tuesday, April 4, 2023, 7:50 AM

I had a wonderful Galantamine fueled dream this morning. It involved me, in lucidity, being intimate with a wonderfully soft matronly dark-haired French woman, in a full sensory embrace and intercourse. I awoke a bit before my 6:AM meditation alarm, basking in the warm afterglow of the dream. Then seconds before the alarm sounded, Flora said, clearly as a bell, “Hello” I was startled, she was totally unexpected. I turned and saw her face, also bright and clear. She was smiling, I was looking at her in profile. She was as pretty as I have ever seen her. I had a, so familiar, and so missed, emotional rush. Then my alarm sounded and I went into meditation. She invited me to join her in our wonderland. Alas, I was unable to hold a stable image, and the moment was lost. However, this experience was thrilling, moving, and reminded me of why I am a tulpamancer.